Incorporation 2012Diyalo Technologies Pvt. Ltd. was established in 2012.
Bus Sewa 2013BusSewa was launched as an online ticketing platform.
Watermark 2014With the objective of digitizing the water utility sector, WaterMark was launched.
50K+ Online bus tickets 2017A total of 50,000+ bus tickets were purchased from the online platform
Joined F1Soft Group 2018Diyalo Technologies joined the F1Soft group of companies.
100+ Water Utility Digitalized 2019The total number of water utilities digitalized crossed 100 in number.
SoftLab 2020With the objective of investing in Edutech, SoftLab Inc was acquired.
Seedstars startup winner 2020Winner of the 2020 Seedstars startup, Kathmandu.
IoT integration 2022We have successfully launched IoT based Smart Water Management System (SWMS) with the purpose of automation of water production and distribution.